Saturday, August 12, 2006

Willful Gullibility: Scientists as Fascists

Here's a doozy of a line from the paper Deconstructing the evidence-based discourse in health sciences: truth, power and fascism, as pointed out on the blog Bad Science...

"It is fair to assert that the critical intellectuals are at ‘war’ with those who have no regards other than for an evidence-based logic. The war metaphor speaks to the ‘critical and theoretical revolt’ that is needed to disrupt and resist the fascist order of scientific knowledge development."

Ahem... scientific knowledge = based in evidence, and therefore = fascist?

Interesting again though how the 'postmodernist' argument is nearly identical to the 'intelligent design' argument. After all, Revelation from God is another form of knowledge development in opposition to evidence-based logic, is it not?

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