Monday, August 08, 2005

So, then why do I blog?

If I'm saying that blogging is a useless fad, why do I blog?

To practice writing. That's absolutely the best use for these things. Don't do them to become popular with bloggers or to sell stuff- it doesn't really work. And besides, being a popular blogger is like being the prettiest girl in the leper colony. As far as "meeting people" over the Internet, it's nothing compared to meeting them in real life.

But, I'm planning to write for a living, so it's good for that. And maybe that's where these things will be good for other people, since they force you to be articulate. On the other hand, they force you to think in absolute-terms and bite-sized paragraphs, which is only slightly better than having a bumper-sticker brain.


ETK said...

Didn't you "meet your wife" over the Internet
Mr. Smarty pants?

Rufus said...

Yes, my point was exactly that it was much better to meet her in person. :) I shant elaborate.

Rufus said...

But, wait. My point back there was that I don't like ebooks. They hurt my eyes.

Rufus said...

It's like I keep telling that guy who's always emailing me- "I'm really fine with my penis. But, thanks."

Seriously, thanks for the nice words.

Rufus said...

Also, it's a bit funny that I post:
"It's stupid to sell things over the Internet"
and the guy responds:
"You are so right on! Wanna buy some software?"

But, again, thanks for the kind words.