Sunday, January 23, 2005

More Fun With Sex Hormones

Reason, one of the best magazines out there, has an article on that Harvard controversy I've mentioned a few times. As usual, they are quite witty and fearless on the whole issue.
Best Quote:
"It has been fashionable to insist that these differences are minimal, the consequences of variations in experience during development," wrote University of Western Ontario psychologist Doreen Kimura in a 1992 Scientific American article. "The bulk of the evidence suggests, however, that the effects of sex hormones on brain organization occur so early in life that from the start the environment is acting on differently wired brains in girls and boys."

Actually, in the Humanities, it is fashionable to argue that sex hormones don't exist, that any differences between the sexes are due to a social conspiracy, and that anyone who thinks otherwise is an essentialist. And then to get the vapors and run away.

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